Wednesday, 9 August 2017


Two deaths from Lassa fever have been recorded at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) alright.

The first was a pregnant lady who presented at the emergency with excessive vaginal bleeding. The second was a guy who also presented with bleeding though per rectum.

Monday, 7 August 2017

July 11 was my birthday.

It's pathetic that I'm doing this post almost a month afterπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ See my life!

But it was a beautiful dayπŸ™‚. I worked almost all day, but friends visited later in the evening and we had whipped cream cake and a few drinks. And I got a pleasant surprise even though it was almost a week after, but I forgive you *blushing*

I'm just gonna drop some pictures here. Enjoy!


 I miss my simple former life.

When the most challenge I had was passing exams. When I could decide to not go for lectures for a day and just get much needed sleep. When I chose whether to go home on many a free weekend or just hang out with friends.

When I had at least four meals daily (Yup I'm like that). When I'd visit friends in their rooms in the hostel, chat all evening, plan for events we'd attend.


I am going to be very direct with this issue.

I have just completed my rotation in the department of medicine and fortunately/unfortunately I was specifically in the Clinical Haematology/Oncology unit. We deal with blood issues in people, in a nutshell. And the one blood disease that cracked past my hard emotional exterior and deep into my emotional core, is the Sickle cell disease(SCD).

SCD is a group of inherited blood disorders. The commonest type is the Sickle cell anaemia(SCA),


 So this happened almost two months back...

I had just finished evening rounds at about 11:30pm and was returning to my room to retire for the night, praying that I wouldn't be called back to the wards for anything. Got to the floor of the building and met about three weirdly dressed suspicious-looking men whispering to one another in Yoruba. Mine isn't so good so I'm just gonna write out their conversation in English.

"Where are the others?!"

"They said they are on their way here already"

"They better hurry. It will soon be midnight as we planned earlier"

My piloerector muscles jumped immediately and I felt the blonde hairs on my skin rise!

I'M BACK!!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


So I've been in this crrraaazzzzyyyyy unit I'll talk more about later, where I totally lost any other life outside medicine. I have passed through some crazy postings during my houseman-ship year here at LUTH, but this was on another level!